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Michael K.

Barbell Wrist Curls: How To & Benefits

barbell wrist curls

Barbell wrist curls, though considered a foundational forearm exercise, often find themselves overshadowed by other alternatives. However, their impact on forearm strength and stability remains unquestionable. This exercise works the flexors and extensors in the wrist, which are important muscles for holding, lifting, and even typing. In this guide, we’ll look at how to do barbell wrist curls correctly, give tips for making them more effective, talk about common mistakes to avoid, explain which muscles they work, and talk about the many benefits. We’ll also talk about options to suit different tastes, and we’ll end with the most important points.

How To Do Barbell Wrist Curls


Begin by placing a barbell on a flat bench or on your knees, depending on your comfort level. Use an appropriate weight that challenges but doesn’t compromise your form.


Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.


Sit on the bench with your forearms resting on your thighs and your wrists hanging just beyond your knees, allowing the barbell to roll down to your fingers.


Slowly lower the barbell towards your fingertips, allowing your wrists to flex, and then raise it back up by extending your wrists. Keep your forearms stationary throughout the movement.

Control and Repetitions

Perform the exercise in a controlled manner, focusing on the mind-muscle connection. Aim for 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Our Tips For Barbell Wrist Curls

Tip 1: Perfect Form Matters

Correct form is the foundation of successful barbell wrist curls. To avoid injury, keep your wrists in a neutral position throughout the entire workout. Don’t overextend your wrists in any way. Avoid the temptation to rush through the exercise by taking your time with each repetition. Prioritize controlled and deliberate repetitions, focusing on the quality of each flexion and extension.

Tip 2: Gradual Progression

Starting barbell wrist curls should be performed with a weight that is challenging but not too heavy. As your strength and confidence grow, gradually add more weight to the bar. If you try to lift greater weights too rapidly, you risk injuring yourself due to poor form. Lifting heavier weights gradually reduces the likelihood of injury and promotes long-term muscle growth.

Tip 3: Mind-Muscle Connection

Barbell wrist curls work better when you use the mind-muscle link. As you do each repeat, picture the flexors and extensors in your wrists contracting and relaxing in a controlled way. This mental focus makes the exercise more effective overall by making sure that you are constantly using the right muscle groups. Focus on the feelings in your wrists to strengthen the link between your mind and your muscles.

Common Barbell Wrist Curls Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1: Using Excessive Weight

Using weights that are too heavy for you is a common mistake. This can mess up your form and make you more likely to get hurt. Remember that form is more important than lifting heavy; choose a weight that lets you do the practice with the right form. As your strength improves, gradually add more weight so you don’t strain yourself too much.

Mistake 2: Incorrect Wrist Position

Allowing your wrists to bend excessively or hyperextend during wrist curls can strain the delicate wrist joint. It’s crucial to maintain a neutral wrist position throughout the movement. Ensure your wrists are in line with your forearms, preventing unnecessary stress on the joint and reducing the potential for discomfort or injury.

Mistake 3: Neglecting Control

One of the main goals of barbell wrist curls is to work and separate the muscles you want to work. Not only does swinging the weight or depending on momentum defeat this goal, but it also makes the exercise less effective. Focus on controlled, deliberate actions, and pay close attention to how your wrist muscles contract and relax for the best results.

What Muscles Do Barbell Wrist Curls Work? 

how to do barbell wrist curls

Wrist Flexors (Palm Side)

Wrist curls with a barbell target the wrist flexors on the palm side of the forearm. As you grasp the barbell with an underhand hold, your flexors contract, causing your wrists to flex and the barbell to rise. This contraction of the wrist flexors effectively strengthens and develops these muscles by generating tension along the inner aspect of the forearm. 

Consistent activation of the wrist flexors via barbell wrist curls can, over time, lead to an increase in muscle fiber recruitment and, ultimately, a boost in forearm strength.

Wrist Extensors (Backhand Side)

During wrist curls, the wrist extensors located on the backhand side of the forearm play a crucial role in regulating the descent of the barbell. As the barbell is lowered, these extensors are activated to counteract the flexor muscles and prevent the weight from falling too quickly. This controlled eccentric contraction engages the extensor muscles, contributing to the exercise’s overall stability and control. 

In addition, as you elevate the barbell back up, the extensor muscles assist with wrist extension, allowing you to maintain a neutral wrist position throughout the movement.

Barbell Wrist Curls Benefits

Benefit 1: Enhanced Grip Strength

One of the best reasons to do barbell wrist curls as part of your workout program is to improve your grip strength. Having strong wrists and forearms is a key part of having a strong grip, which is important for many activities. A strong grip can make a big difference whether you’re an athlete who wants to do well in sports requiring gripping, a weightlifter who wants to lift heavier weights, or just someone who wants to do everyday chores confidently. 

When you do barbell wrist curls, you work on the flexors and extensors of your wrists, which helps strengthen these muscles. This increases your grip strength and lets you take on tasks that require a firm hold.

Benefit 2: Prevents Injury

By doing barbell wrist curls, you can strengthen your wrists and protect them from strains and injuries. This is especially important for people who do activities that involve heavy lifting or repetitive wrist movements. Overuse injuries and strains can happen to weak wrists, especially when they have to do hard physical jobs. 

Doing wrist curls regularly as part of your routine can strengthen the muscles around your wrists, making them stronger and more stable. This extra safety can be very helpful in reducing the chance of getting hurt, so you can focus on your fitness goals and daily tasks with less worry about possible setbacks.

Benefit 3: Functional Fitness

Strengthening and stabilizing your wrists has benefits that go beyond single exercises and have a direct effect on your total functional fitness. Functional exercise is all about improving your ability to do everyday tasks more quickly and easily. Strong wrists are an important part of these actions because they connect your upper body to the outside world. 

Strong and stable wrists are important for doing things like opening jars and carrying items, as well as sports that involve catching, throwing, or lifting. By doing barbell wrist curls as part of your routine, you’re building muscle and making your body stronger, more flexible, and better at a wide range of activities. This improves your quality of life.

Alternatives To Barbell Wrist Curls

Exercise Option 1: Dumbbell Wrist Curls

Wrist curls with a dumbbell are a more adaptable alternative to those performed with a barbell. While seated or standing, you flex and extend your wrists while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Each wrist may move independently of the other, helping to even out any strength differences. The stability provided by seated variations simplifies isolating specific muscles, whereas standing variations challenge additional stabilizing muscles. Like with barbell wrist curls, it’s important to keep your wrists aligned and controlled the entire time.

Exercise Option 2: Wrist Roller

The wrist roller is an exceptional device for developing wrist and forearm muscles. A weighted rope is wound around a bar while the rope is held in place by an attached weight. Using an overhand hold, roll the weight up by flexing your wrists and then roll it back down again. The wrist roller encourages healthy growth and increases grip power by working the forearm, wrist, and hand as a unit. It’s a great choice for people who want to get stronger and have a better grip on things like rock climbing and grappling.

Exercise Option 3: Farmer’s Walk

The Farmer’s Walk is a great all-around workout that also helps build strong wrists and forearms. Over time, the core, legs, and upper body all benefit from using the wrist flexors and extensors while moving heavy objects. Strengthen your grip for real-world actions that call for it, like carrying or holding weights, with this dynamic exercise. The Farmer’s Walk can be modified for usage with a variety of weights, including standard dumbbells, kettlebells, and even sandbags. It’s a great approach to improve your fitness all around while building useful strength.

Bottom Line On The Barbell Wrist Curls

Barbell wrist curls may seem like a simple exercise, but they have big benefits. They improve wrist and forearm strength, improving grip strength and general functional fitness.  To get the most out of it and avoid making common mistakes, you must use the right form, move forward slowly, and keep your mind on the task. If you do barbell wrist curls as part of a well-rounded fitness routine or a program just for your forearms, you can see great benefits.


Can I perform barbell wrist curls standing up?

While seated wrist curls provide better stability, standing variations can be performed using a cable machine or resistance bands. Standing wrist curls challenge balance and engage stabilizing muscles but ensure proper form to prevent straining your wrists.

How often should I do barbell wrist curls?

Aim for 2-3 sessions per week, allowing sufficient rest between workouts to promote recovery and muscle growth. Overtraining the wrist muscles can lead to injury, so listen to your body and gradually increase intensity.

Can barbell wrist curls help with wrist pain?

Consult a healthcare professional if you’re experiencing wrist pain. Once cleared, wrist curls with proper form can aid in strengthening the wrists and potentially alleviate discomfort. However, if the pain persists or worsens, discontinue the exercise and seek medical advice.

Can I incorporate wrist curls into my warm-up routine?

Wrist curls might better suit your main workout routine rather than a warm-up. Include dynamic wrist stretches and mobility exercises to prepare your wrists for heavier movements and prevent injury.

Are wrist curls beneficial for athletes other than weightlifters?

Absolutely. Athletes in sports like tennis, golf, rock climbing, and martial arts can benefit from stronger wrists and forearms. These muscles are important in controlling implements, maintaining grip, and generating power in various movements.


  1. Szymanski, D. J., Szymanski, J. M., Molloy, J. M., & Pascoe, D. D. (2004). Effect of 12 weeks of wrist and forearm training on high school baseball players. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 18(3), 432–440.
  1. Wrist Pain: Exercises, Causes, and Treatment. Retrieved from