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Daniel Mesa

How Much Protein In Ice Cream? Brand Breakdown

protein in ice cream

While ice cream is usually thought of as a tasty treat, you would be surprised by the amount of protein a serving of ice cream can contain. Especially since there is so much variation across brands and recipes. 

That being said, there will usually be around 2g-4g of protein in ice cream per serving (½ cup). This results in around 15g of protein in a pint. If you opt for more specialized protein ice creams, these will contain around 6–8 g of protein per serving, with around 24g of protein per pint depending on the brand. 

In this guide, we will go over how much protein is in ice cream based on the brand. Furthermore, we will also discuss some easy recipes you can use that will allow you to enjoy ice cream while still getting a healthy dose of protein. 

How Much Protein In Ice Cream? By The Brand

The amount of protein in your ice cream will be heavily affected by the brand and specific flavor you choose. Some brands, such as Halo Top, are known for their high protein content. 

Meanwhile, more traditional brands like Blue Bell or Ben & Jerry’s will contain more regular amounts of protein. 

BrandFlavorTypeProtein Content per 100g
Halo TopVanilla BeanProtein6.0g
YassoMint ChocolateProtein5.5g
Ben & Jerry’sCherry GarciaRegular3.5g
TalentiCaramel Apple PieRegular3.2g
BreyersButter PecanRegular2.8g
Dreyer’sRocky RoadRegular3.6g
Halo TopPeanut Butter CupProtein5.7g
EnlightenedCookies & CreamProtein6.8g
YassoSea Salt CaramelProtein5.6g
Ben & Jerry’sChocolate Fudge BrownieRegular4.1g
Haagen-DazsCookies & CreamRegular3.9g
BreyersNatural VanillaRegular2.6g

Regular Ice Cream Vs Protein Ice Cream

how much protein in ice cream

Of course, the main benefit of protein ice cream is that it has a higher protein content and tends to be lower on the calorie side. But surely there must also be some downsides, right?

Having tried various protein ice cream flavors, I can tell you that it does not taste as good as regular ice cream. This is not to say that it tastes bad, but you can certainly tell that you are opting for the healthier option. It’s just not as sweet or creamy.

I still enjoy it, especially on diets. There really is no other way to enjoy regular ice cream on a daily basis unless you strongly limit your consumption. Therefore, I rather have protein ice cream that still tastes pretty good. 

The other downside is that, unless you make it yourself, protein ice cream can be quite expensive, at least compared to regular ice cream. Since protein ice cream brands tend to be more niche and “health” focused, you can expect to pay more for a pint than you do for a regular pint of Ben and Jerry’s. 

Can You Mix Ice Cream In a Protein Shake?

If you like ice cream but need protein, an easy solution that may come to mind is to mix ice cream with protein shakes. You can do this easily by adding whey protein to ice cream. 

Personally, I have tried this and have found the combination to taste pretty good. The best thing was that the texture really resembled that of a milkshake. The flavor can also be really good if you mix and match the flavors of the whey protein and ice cream correctly. 

The only thing that you have to consider is that ice cream can be calorie-dense. Therefore, I would really only recommend this to those looking to pack on weight or who are bulking. Other than that, protein powder in ice cream is a great idea. 

How To Make Protein Ice Cream In Blender?

If the content of protein ice cream brands is just not cutting it for you, you can easily make more protein-dense ice cream at home with just a few basic ingredients and a blender. 

Prepare the ingredients

Gather your ingredients. Make sure your bananas are fully frozen for a creamy consistency.

Blend the ingredients

Add the frozen bananas, protein powder, and almond milk to your blender. Blend until smooth.

Check the consistency

Check the consistency. If it’s too thick, add a little more almond milk and blend again. If it’s too thin, add more frozen banana or protein powder.

Freeze if desired

For a firmer consistency, you can put the mixture in a freezer-safe container and freeze for 1-2 hours.

Serve with toppings

Serve your protein ice cream with your favorite toppings and enjoy!

Final Thoughts On How Much Protein Is In Ice Cream

Overall, the protein content in regular ice cream is not all that significant, at around 15g per pint. However, once you get into both store-bought and homemade protein ice cream options, you can easily get into the 25-40g of protein per pint range. In this range, ice cream actually begins to have enough protein to build muscle.

Of course, protein ice cream will never quite taste exactly the same but at least you can enjoy a little treat on a daily basis while remaining on your diet. 

Is ice cream good source of protein?

Regular ice cream does not contain enough protein to be considered a great source of protein at only around 2-4g per serving. However, more specialized protein ice creams can have 6-10g of protein per serving.

Is ice cream a carb or protein?

Ice cream contains a mix of fat, carbs, and protein.