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Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat: How To & Benefits

barbell Bulgarian split squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat, also known as the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat, is an excellent lower-body workout that strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core. The benefits of this exercise are different from the standard squat. In this detailed guide, we’ll examine how to perform a Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat correctly, offer helpful hints for increasing the exercise’s efficiency, point out common mistakes to avoid, talk about the muscles used in this movement, examine its many advantages, and recommend complementary exercises for a complete lower body routine.

How To Do Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Performing the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat correctly is crucial to reap its benefits and avoid injury. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Set Up

Place a bench or a sturdy surface behind you. Position a barbell on your upper back, similar to how you would for a back squat.


Stand a few feet in front of the bench, with your back to it. Take a step forward with one foot and place the top of your other foot on the bench, creating a split stance.


Lower your body by bending your front knee, ensuring it doesn’t extend beyond your toes. Simultaneously, your back knee should gently touch the ground.


Push through your front heel to return to the starting position, keeping your core engaged and back straight.


Complete the desired number of repetitions on one leg before switching to the other.

Our Tips For Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats

Tip 1: Keep The Right Posture

Maintaining correct form during the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat is crucial for safe and efficient exercise. Keep your sternum lifted to prevent forward hunching and maintain spinal alignment. In addition, maintain your shoulders pulled back, improving your posture and engaging your upper back muscles. Engaging your core stabilises your body and helps protect your lower back from undue tension, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury.

Tip 2: Focus on Balance

A key part of the Bulgarian Split Squat is getting and keeping your balance. Focus on making sure that your weight is properly spread between your front and back legs. This balance prevents excessive strain on your front knee and ensures that both legs work in synergy to maximize the exercise’s effectiveness. Focusing on balance also improves proprioception, which is your body’s sense of where it is in space. This is good for your general stability.

Tip 3: Start with Light Weights

If you have never done a Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat before, you should start with lighter weights. Starting out slow lets you learn the right way to do the exercise. This first part gets your muscles and joints in shape and lowers the risk of getting hurt, which can happen when you use heavy weights or bad form. As you get more comfortable and skilled, slowly add more weight to test your muscles safely while making sure you keep good form throughout your fitness journey.

Common Bulgarian Split Squat With Barbell Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1: Leaning Forward

If you lean forward too far while performing a Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat, you could hurt yourself. When you slouch forward too far, your center of gravity shifts to the front of your body, putting extra strain on your knees. This increases the risk of injury to the knee joint and reduces the exercise’s effectiveness. To avoid this mistake, maintain an upright posture throughout the movement, keeping your chest up and shoulders back.

Mistake 2: Neglecting Rear Leg Placement

Neglecting to securely place your rear foot on the bench is a common error during the Bulgarian Split Squat. An unstable rear leg can result in balance issues and even potential injuries. To prevent this mistake, ensure your rear foot is firmly positioned on the bench, providing a stable base for your movement. This stability is crucial for maintaining proper form and maximizing the benefits of the exercise.

Mistake 3: Overextending

If you overextend your front knee over your toes as you descend into a Bulgarian Split Squat, you risk injuring your knee. Keep your front knee in line with your ankle to prevent this from happening. By redistributing the weight away from the knees, this posture eases the strain on those muscles. Remember that your safety and performance in this exercise depend on you always maintaining correct form.

Muscles Worked By Babrell Bulgarian Split Squat

Bulgarian split squat


In the Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat, the quads in the front of your thighs are very important. They are mostly responsible for extending your knee during the up part of the exercise, giving you the power to lift your body.


During a Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat, your hamstrings at the back of your thigh help keep you stable. They help you keep your balance and control as you lower yourself into the squat position.


The workout relies heavily on the gluteal muscles, especially the gluteus maximus. As you stand up from a Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat, they extend your hips, allowing you to exercise safely and effectively.


Your core muscles, including the abdominal muscles and lower back, are engaged throughout the exercise to stabilize your body. This core engagement is essential for maintaining an upright posture and preventing unnecessary strain on your lower back.

Bulgarian Squat Benefits

Benefit 1:  Strength and Muscle Development

The Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat is a great choice for people who want to get stronger in their lower body and build more muscle. This exercise puts a big load on the lower body and hardens the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. 

This workout is so intense that it forces the muscle fibers in these areas to change and grow, making it an important part of any training plan that focuses on the legs. This exercise helps you get stronger by isolating each leg. It also helps you fix imbalances between your legs, giving you a more balanced and powerful lower body.

Benefit 2: Balance and Stability

The Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat’s main benefit is that it improves balance and stability. Not only are these traits important for players who want to do their best, but they are also important for everyday life. The exercise requires you to stand on one leg, which makes you use supporting muscles all over your body. 

By working on your balance this way, you can improve your general coordination and lower your risk of getting hurt when doing things that require balance, like hiking on uneven terrain or playing sports like soccer and basketball. This improved balance helps you be more confident and flexible outside the gym.

Benefit 3: Joint-Friendly

The Bulgarian Split Squat is better for your joints than standard squats. The exercise is a good way to work your leg muscles without putting pressure on your lower back and knees, which can happen when you do big back squats. This makes it a great choice for people with accidents or sensitive joints. 

Also, working your lower body without putting too much stress on your back and knees is especially helpful as you age. This is because it lets you keep your strength and usefulness while lowering the risk of worsening joint problems. The Bulgarian Split Squat is a good way to build strong legs without the pain that can come with other workouts for the lower body.

Alternatives To Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats

Exercise Option 1: Dumbbell Lunges

Dumbbell lunges are a dynamic lower-body exercise that shares many muscle targets with the Bulgarian Split Squat. Like the Split Squat, they engage the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes but add variety through movement. Lunges also enhance balance and coordination, requiring you to step forward or backward, challenging your stability. Incorporating dumbbells adds resistance to intensify the workout, making it a versatile choice for individuals looking to strengthen their legs and improve overall lower body function.

Exercise Option 2: Step-Ups

Step-ups are a functional and practical lower body exercise that concentrates on the same muscle groups as the Bulgarian Split Squat. This exercise involves stepping onto a raised platform or bench with one leg and returning to the ground. Step-ups demand balance and stability, working your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. They can be performed with or without weights, making them adaptable to various fitness levels. Additionally, step-ups mimic activities of daily living, enhancing your ability to navigate stairs and uneven terrain, which can be especially beneficial for functional fitness.

Exercise Option 3: Leg Press

The leg press machine is a superior alternative to the Bulgarian Split Squat, especially for novices and those with joint issues. It focuses predominantly on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes of the legs while providing substantial support for the back and knees. Those with lower-body distress or limitations may find this support especially beneficial. Leg press allows easy weight adjustment, making it suitable for users of differing fitness levels. Although it may require less balance and stability than the other exercises mentioned, it is a controlled and effective method to strengthen your lower body.

Bottom Line On Bulgarian Split Squats

Dumbbell lunges, step-ups, and leg presses can add diversity and target similar muscle regions as the Bulgarian Split Squat. Lunges’ adaptability, step-ups’ functionality, and the leg press’ joint-friendliness each have their own benefits. Select activities that match your fitness objectives and current fitness level to ensure a balanced lower-body workout. Focus on form and progressively increase intensity to maximize these exercises’ advantages.


Can I do Bulgarian Split Squats without weights?

Yes, you can perform Bulgarian Split Squats without weights to work on your balance and bodyweight strength. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you can gradually add weights to increase the intensity.

How many sets and repetitions should I do?

The number of sets and repetitions depends on your fitness goals. Generally, start with 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions per leg for muscle growth and strength. Adjust as needed.

Are Bulgarian Split Squats suitable for beginners?

While Bulgarian Split Squats can be challenging, beginners can certainly do them. Starting with bodyweight and practicing proper form is a good approach. Gradually progress to using weights as you become more comfortable.

Are Bulgarian Split Squats suitable for individuals with knee issues?

Yes, but caution is essential. Maintain proper form and avoid overextending the front knee. Consult a professional if needed.

How do I progress with Bulgarian Split Squats as I get stronger?

Gradually increase weight, elevate your front foot, or try explosive variations.

Can Bulgarian Split Squats help with flexibility?

Yes, they can improve lower body flexibility, especially in the hip flexors, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Combine them with dynamic stretching for better results.


  1. Aguilera-Castells, J., Buscà, B., Morales, J., Solana-Tramunt, M., Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, A., Rey-Abella, F., Bantulà, J., & Peña, J. (2019). Muscle activity of Bulgarian squat. Effects of additional vibration, suspension and unstable surface. PloS one, 14(8), e0221710.
  1. Schellenberg, F., Taylor, W.R. & Lorenzetti, S. Towards evidence based strength training: a comparison of muscle forces during deadlifts, goodmornings and split squats. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil 9, 13 (2017).