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Daniel Mesa

Barbell Good Morning: How To & Benefits

Are you ready to ignite your lower body strength and radiate power and confidence? The Barbell Good Morning is your entry point to a dynamic workout that concentrates on your glutes, lower back, and hamstrings, laying the groundwork for a tough and powerful physique. 

In this guide, we’ll get to know Barbell Good Mornings, offering step-by-step guidance, expert insights, and many alternative exercises to fuel your fitness aspirations. Let’s get started!

How To Do Barbell Good Mornings

Don’t let the simplicity fool you; Barbell Good Mornings are your gateway to lower body strength. Targeting hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles, they build a solid foundation that fuels your every move. Imagine yourself leading a dynamic routine that sculpts your physique and boosts strength and stability.  Follow these steps to perform this exercise effectively:

Set Up

Start by placing a barbell on your upper traps behind your neck. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.

Hip Hinge

Keeping your back straight and core engaged, bend at your hips to lower your torso forward. Push your hips back as if you’re trying to touch the wall behind you with your glutes. Maintain a slight bend in your knees throughout the movement.

Lower Down

Continue lowering your torso until it’s parallel to the ground or slightly below, feeling a stretch in your hamstrings.

Return to Start

Push your hips forward to return to the upright position. Maintain control and engage your glutes and hamstrings as you rise.


Perform the desired number of repetitions while focusing on proper form and control.

Our Tips For Barbell Good Morning Form

Tip 1: Master the Hip Hinge

The hip hinge is the heart of this exercise. It’s the key to unleashing its full potential, so practice and perfect it to ensure your movements are precise and effective.

Tip 2: Protect Your Spine

Your spine is your lifeline, and maintaining its neutrality is crucial. Steer clear of any rounding or arching of your back to avoid unnecessary strain and safeguard your spinal health.

Tip 3: Embrace Control

This isn’t about rushing through the motions. Embrace deliberate and controlled movements to fully engage your muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Your journey to a stronger lower body starts with mindful execution.

Common Good Morning Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1: Beware of Back Rounding

When performing Barbell Good Mornings, prioritize a straight and neutral back to prevent any rounding that could strain your lower back. Maintaining proper spinal alignment is essential for safe and effective movement.

Mistake 2: Watch the Leaning Game

While the hip hinge is a fundamental aspect of this exercise, be cautious not to lean too far forward, which can lead to excessive stress on your back. Strive for a controlled and balanced movement pattern.

Mistake 3: Avoid the Overarch

As you ascend from the hip hinge, resist the urge to overarch your back. Maintaining a stable and aligned position ensures that your spine and supporting muscles remain safe and free from unnecessary pressure.

What Do Good Mornings Work? Barbell Good Morning Muscles Worked

Barbell Good Mornings orchestrate a harmonious engagement of several key muscle groups, including:


Your hamstrings take the lead, orchestrating the hip hinge motion. This powerhouse muscle group is essential for extending your hips and maintaining stability as you hinge forward and rise back up. Strengthening your hamstrings contributes to your athletic performance and promotes overall lower body function and posture.


As you ascend, your glutes come into play, leading the charge in hip extension. These muscles help with mobility and improve your buttocks’ appearance by elevating and contouring them. Strengthening your glutes can help you perform better in sports, relieve lower back pain, and increase the strength of your entire lower body.

Lower Back

Your lower back muscles are important in maintaining spinal stability throughout the exercise. They work diligently to prevent excessive rounding or arching, protecting your spine from potential strain. By strengthening your lower back, you enhance your ability to maintain proper posture during daily activities and other exercises, reducing the risk of injuries.

Core Stability

The core muscles keep Your spine and pelvis stable during the movement, which serves as a solid pillar of support. This activity helps build a strong, injury-resistant midsection while strengthening your core. A strong core is essential to performing the Barbell Good Mornings because it improves your posture, functional strength, and overall balance.

Spinal Erectors

The spinal erectors, situated along your spine, work tirelessly to maintain an erect and steady posture throughout the exercise. Strengthening these muscles improves your spinal alignment and supports your overall back health. You can lessen the chance of back pain and injuries by maintaining a strong and stable spine.

Good Morning Lift Benefits

good morning lift benefits

The Good Morning Lift is a life-altering experience that brings a host of benefits to people who practice it. Here are some advantages you can enjoy when doing this exercise:

Benefit 1: Total Lower Body Improvement

Make a concerted effort to strengthen your lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. Good Mornings develop a strong posterior chain, strengthening your base and assisting movements from the bottom up. Thanks to the resulting muscular synergy, you advance toward improved athletic performance and functional prowess.

Benefit 2: Lumbar Stability

When the lower back muscles and core cooperate, the spine becomes more stable and resilient. This fortification lowers the chance of lower back discomfort and helps to keep the back strong and healthy. Every time you do the Good Morning exercise, your lumbar region receives another layer of protection.

Benefit 3: Functional Strength

The functional strength you develop via Good Mornings will improve your daily life. The muscles engaged in this workout work in harmony to improve real-world functionality, whether it is lifting, bending, or keeping a rigid posture. When lifting a bulky grocery bag or stooping to tie your shoes, the strength you’ve developed in the gym shows.

Alternatives To The Barbell Good Morning

Exercise Option 1: Romanian Deadlift (RDL)

The Romanian Deadlift (RDL) is a fantastic alternative to the Barbell Good Morning. Like Good Morning, the RDL emphasizes the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. However, the RDL involves a slightly different movement pattern, making it an excellent option to add variety to your routine. 

By keeping your knees slightly bent as you hinge at the hips, you’ll experience a potent stretch in your hamstrings while also engaging your core for stability. This exercise improves hip mobility, strengthens the muscles that support your lower back, and also helps build muscle.

Exercise Option 2: Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift

Another good alternative that targets your hamstrings, glutes, and lower back is the dumbbell stiff-leg deadlift. This unilateral movement involves lifting dumbbells while focusing on each leg independently. Doing so can address any muscle imbalances between your left and right sides, contributing to overall symmetry and stability. 

The Dumbbell Stiff-Leg Deadlift also tests your grip strength and core stability as you maintain balance throughout the exercise. This workout not only improves muscular growth but also functional strength, which translates to better performance in both sports and daily activities.

Exercise Option 3: Glute Bridge

The Bodyweight Glute Bridge is a great substitute for the Barbell Good Morning since it works your glutes and hamstrings. You can work your posterior chain muscles by reclining on your back and raising your hips off the floor. Your lower body is strengthened by this exercise, and it also activates your core for stability. 

Enhancing hip mobility and stability with the Glute Bridge can have a favorable impact on how well your lower body functions as a whole. It provides a flexible choice for people of all fitness levels as a bodyweight exercise, enabling you to successfully concentrate on muscle activation and growth without needing external weights.

Bottom Line On BB Good Mornings

You may strengthen your lower body and improve your overall athletic performance by incorporating Barbell Good Mornings into your program. You can reap numerous advantages outside of the gym by mastering the hip hinge and concentrating on appropriate technique. Remember, safety and gradual progression are key, and if you’re unsure, consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional to ensure you’re reaping the full rewards of this transformative exercise.


Are Barbell Good Mornings suitable for beginners?

Yes, beginners can perform Barbell Good Mornings, but it’s crucial to start with light weights and focus on perfecting your form before adding more resistance.

Can I do Barbell Good Mornings without weights?

Absolutely! You can begin by practicing the movement pattern without weights to master the hip hinge and ensure your form is correct before progressing to the added resistance.

Do Barbell Good Mornings help with lower back pain?

When performed with proper form and under the guidance of a fitness professional, Barbell Good Mornings can help strengthen the muscles that support your lower back, potentially reducing the risk of pain or discomfort. However, if you have existing lower back issues, it’s essential to consult with a medical professional before attempting this exercise.


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