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Daniel Mesa

Barbell Snatch: How To & Benefits

The barbell snatch is one of the most interesting strength-training workouts. Athletes, both pros and those who want to be pros can have power and accuracy when they lift heavy things over their heads.

The barbell snatch is the most difficult technical weightlifting move. It is harder than the power clean, the push jerk, and the barbell thruster. But despite how easy it seems, mastering this exercise takes a lot of time and commitment.

Even though the trip may seem hard, anyone willing to put in the effort can do it. As you try to get good at the barbell snatch, you’ll find that it’s hard work, but it’s worth it because those who stick with it will get a lot of benefits.

How To Do Barbell Snatch

The barbell snatch is a hard exercise that includes lifting a barbell from the ground to overhead in one smooth motion. To be safe and effective, you need to follow the right steps.


Begin with feet hip-width apart and toes pointing slightly outward. Place the barbell on the ground, close to your shins. Bend at your hips and knees, keeping your chest up and back straight. Grip the barbell with an overhand grip, hands wider than shoulder-width apart.

The Pull

Initiate the lift by driving through your legs, extending your hips and knees. Keep the barbell close, brushing against your thighs. When the bar reaches a hip level, pull it upward by extending your hips and shrugging your shoulders. Keep your arms straight.

Catch and Overhead Position

At the bar’s peak, swiftly drop underneath it by pulling yourself under. Catch the bar overhead with locked arms in a partial squat. Stand up to complete the lift, extending hips and knees.

Lowering the Bar

To return the bar, reverse the motion by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Keep the barbell close as you lower it to the ground.

Our Tips For Barbell Snatch

Tip 1: Master the Basics

It’s important to build a solid base before doing barbell snatches. First, you must learn the basics of weightlifting, including the deadlift, clean, and overhead squat. The fundamentals of good snatching are strength, mobility, and body awareness, which may be developed through these drills. To rush into snatches before establishing these foundational pieces is to build a skyscraper on shifting sands.

Tip 2: Start with Light Weights

Patience is a virtue in barbell snatching. Start light and focus on form more than weight as you embark on your snatch journey. By starting with lighter loads, you can hone your form and guarantee every rep counts. As your self-assurance and strength increase, you can lift heavier weights. Keep in mind that no snatch is ever foolproof; neither was Rome.

Tip 3: Seek Professional Guidance

There are often several obstacles in the way of novice snatch players. Consider hiring a coach to help you through this challenging time. With the help of a knowledgeable coach, you may improve your technique and increase your chances of making the grab. Investing in their expertise is a smart move because it will speed up your learning process, implant healthy habits, and discourage the formation of negative ones.

Common Barbell Snatch Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1: Poor Starting Position

Beginning barbell snatchers frequently underestimate the significance of the beginning position. Placing the bar too far away from your body or having the wrong foot placement might lead to balance issues from the start. When the barbell is too far away, you must lean forward, making it harder to retain control and do efficient lifts. Always keep the bar tight on your shins and your feet in a position that allows for a strong, balanced pull.

Mistake 2: Neglecting the Second Pull

The second pull is essential because it generates most of the power required for a successful snatch. Failure is assured if you do not fully engage your hips and shrug your shoulders at this phase. If you use your hips and shoulders to propel the barbell high enough, you’ll avoid lifts. Remember that this explosive extension sets the stage for a clean transition to grabbing the bar overhead, so give it the attention it deserves.

Mistake 3: Insufficient Mobility

Barbell snatches require not only strength and technique but also a strong range of motion in your shoulders, hips, and ankles. Inadequate mobility in these places can seriously impair your ability to catch the barbell safely and with good form. Restricted shoulder mobility may make it harder to lock out your arms above, while restricted hip and ankle mobility may make it difficult to get into the deep squat position required for the snatch. To counteract this, devote time to mobility exercises and stretches to improve your range of motion and snatch performance.

What Muscles Do Barbell Snatch Work? 


The squatting motion of a barbell snatch heavily emphasises the legs. Your quadriceps, the large muscles on the front of your thighs, are actively worked during the entire movement. The muscles in the back of your thighs, the hamstrings, engage to help you lift the bar. Finally, your glutes—the muscles responsible for extending your hips—provide a substantial portion of the explosive power you need to finish the lift.


The barbell snatch is a demanding exercise for your back muscles. The erector spinae and other muscles in your lower back make a lot of effort to keep your spine aligned and protect it from injury when you lift. At the same time, the trapezius and rhomboids in your upper back are important in helping you keep the barbell steady as it climbs.


In the snatch, as the hammer goes up into the air, the focus is on your shoulders. To hold up the weight, the deltoid muscles work hard, including the front, side, and back deltoids. This overhead catch pose with locked arms puts different stress on the shoulder joints and helps make the shoulder girdle stronger and more stable.


In the barbell snatch, your core muscles are the unsung stars. Your abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis and obliques, work together to strengthen and stabilise your core. This helps you hold the barbell steady and keep your form right as you lift. Not only is this core stability important for pulling well, but it also helps keep you from getting hurt.

Arms and Forearms

While the barbell snatch emphasizes lower and upper body strength, your arms and forearms control the barbell’s course. Your hand grip and forearm muscles assist the barbell in following a controlled trajectory during the initial draw and overhead catch, ensuring a successful lift. Although they don’t drive the workout, ignoring them might cause instability and missed lifts.

Barbell Snatch Benefits

Benefit 1: Enhanced Power and Strength

The barbell snatch isn’t just a workout; it’s a place to build explosive strength and strength that won’t give up. This movement is a powerful way to build the kind of strength important for players in many different sports. When you learn the barbell snatch, you get better at transferring power from your lower body to your upper body, creating an unmatched explosive force. 

This new power can change the game on the field, court, or track, letting players jump higher, run faster, and perform at their best. The barbell snatch can give you more power and strength, which can help you whether you’re a runner trying to get off to a fast start or a basketball player trying to slam dunk.

Benefit 2: Improved Athletic Performance

The barbell snatch is a symphony of balance, precision, and speed. As you try to learn this complicated movement, you improve your ability to make different muscle groups and parts of your body work together smoothly. This improved rhythm and balance is useful outside of the weightlifting platform, in sports and in everyday life

Athletes find that their improved agility helps them make quick cuts in soccer, keep their balance on a surfboard, and even gracefully handle the dangers of everyday life. For people who play sports, these changes can mean the difference between winning and losing. For others, they just make life better.

Benefit 3: Time-Efficient Full-Body Workout

In our fast-paced world, speed is the most important thing. The dumbbell snatch is a great way to work out your whole body in a short amount of time. It checks all the boxes. This exercise works out many muscle groups, so you don’t have to set aside hours for separate workouts. 

The barbell snatch works your whole body, from your legs, back, and shoulders to your core, arms, and even your grip power. It’s a great chance for people with busy lives to get the most done in the least amount of time. The barbell snatch is the epitome of speed, ensuring you get the most out of every lift, rep, and set, whether in the gym for a quick workout or working out at home.

Alternatives To Barbell Snatch

While the barbell snatch is a fantastic exercise, there are alternatives for achieving similar benefits:

Exercise Option 1: Dumbbell Snatch

There are a number of benefits to doing snatches with dumbbells. The first advantage is that it improves flexibility and mobility by allowing for a wider range of motion than a barbell. If you’re just getting started with the snatch and want to learn the fundamentals, this is a great exercise to do. Learning the basic moves with dumbbells is a good idea before moving on to the barbell because they are more forgiving than the bar. In addition to creating symmetry in your lifts, you can use this variation to find and fix any strength imbalances between your left and right sides.

Exercise Option 2: Kettlebell Swing

Swinging a kettlebell is a dynamic exercise that helps strengthen the hips and lower back. Their capacity to rapidly gain strength and power is legendary. The swinging motion is fantastic for athletes looking to improve their athleticism because it works the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. The cardiovascular component of kettlebell swings makes them an effective calorie-burning workout and a useful supplement to fat-loss regimens. This move lays the groundwork for a powerful and explosive physique when done properly.

Exercise Option 3: Clean and Press

The clean and press is a compound exercise similar to the barbell snatch but simpler. It consists of two movements—the clean and the press—to move a barbell from the ground to above. Although it works the same muscle areas as the snatch—the legs, back, and shoulders—its more straightforward form makes it suitable for beginners. 

The clean and press is a great strength- and power-building exercise, and it can be a stepping stone for individuals who want to eventually do the entire complexity of the barbell snatch. It’s a great complement to any strength training program because of the variety of ways it can be used to work different muscle groups and improve technique.

Bottom Line On The Barbell Snatch

The barbell snatch is a difficult but rewarding exercise that can considerably enhance your strength, power, and athleticism. By mastering proper form and avoiding common errors, you can obtain its many benefits and even incorporate it into a well-rounded exercise regimen. Remember that progress should be incremental, and seeking advice from an experienced coach or trainer is always prudent. Therefore, embrace the barbell snatch and maximize its potential to make you stronger and more fit.


Can anyone do the barbell snatch?

While anyone can learn the barbell snatch, it’s essential to start with proper guidance and begin with light weights to ensure safety and effectiveness.

How often should I include barbell snatches in my workout routine?

The frequency of barbell snatch workouts depends on your goals and fitness level. Beginners may start with once a week, while more advanced lifters can incorporate it 2-3 times weekly.

Can I do barbell snatches for fat loss?

Yes, barbell snatches can be included in a fat loss program as they engage multiple muscle groups and promote calorie burning. However, diet and overall workout regimen also play crucial roles in fat loss.


  1. 11 Benefits of Doing Lunges Regularly. Retrieved from
  1. Marchetti, P. H., Guiselini, M. A., da Silva, J. J., Tucker, R., Behm, D. G., & Brown, L. E. (2018). Balance and Lower Limb Muscle Activation between In-Line and Traditional Lunge Exercises. Journal of human kinetics, 62, 15–22.