If you just got your new tricep bar or have access to one at your gym, there are tons of workouts you can do with this versatile bar. Thanks to the neutral handles and small size, your shoulders and wrists will also not be as strained. In this guide, we will give you some sample workouts for all different types of goals.

Table of contents
Tricep Bar Workout For Every Goal
Here are some sample workouts that you can use for different goals or body parts. Feel free to mix and match or only take a few exercises to add to your routine. Look further on in this guide to get full breakdowns for each of these exercises:
Tricep Bar Arm Day
This is a high-volume arm workout designed to isolate your bicep, tricep, and forearm muscles
Tricep Bar Hammer Curls: 3 x 15-20
Tricep Bar Overhead Extensions: 3 x 15-20
Tricep Bar Push/Pull Day
This workout is designed to work out your entire torso. We start off with some compound exercises and finish off with some arm isolation.
Tricep Bar Bench Press: 3 X 8-12
Tricep Bar Bent Over Row: 3 x 8-12
Tricep Bar Overhead Press: 3 x 8-12
Tricep Bar Skull Crushers: 3 x 12-15
Tricep Bar Hammer Curls: 3 x 12-15
Tricep Bar Push Day
This workout is designed to work your chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Tricep Bar Bench Press: 3 X 8-12
Tricep Bar Overhead Press: 3 x 8-12
Tricep Bar Front Raise: 3 x 8-12
Tricep Bar Skull Crushers: 3 x 12-15
Tricep Bar Exercises
Here are the proper form and benefits of some of the most popular tricep bar exercises to include in your tricep bar workout
Tricep Bar Skull Crushers
The triceps bar skull crusher, also known as the lying triceps extension, is one of the most fundamental tricep bar exercises. If you want to really make your tricep muscles pop, you need to be working the long head of the tricep. This is the meatiest portion of the tricep muscle and will do the most to make your arm as a whole look larger. The way you work the long head is with overhead work. The tricep bar skull crusher also gives you the added stability of the bench and the ability to use more weight.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Skull Crushers
- Works long head of the tricep
- Added bench stability
- Can go very heavy
- Safer for wrists
How To Do Tricep Bar Skull Crushers
- Position bench and bar: Lay flat on the bench and press the bar up and lockout. Your arms should be straight and the tricep bar should be overhead as if you are locking out at a bench.
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight by only bending your elbows. Your upper arm should not be moving. Make sure you control the weight on the way down.
- Extend your arm: Once you have gone as far as you can down, you want to bring the weight up by fully extending your arms out again.
Tricep Bar Hammer Curl
The tricep bar is also called the hammer curl because it works great for hammer curls as well. The tricep bar allows you to do hammer curls while working both arms at once and using heavy weight. The hammer curl will serve to work both your bicep and forearm muscles. In particular, it will help your biceps appear wider when viewed from the front.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Hammer Curl
- Easier to load and use than dumbbell hammer curls
- Works both biceps and forearms
- Make biceps look wide
How To Do Tricep Bar Hammer Curl
- Load the bar: Load the bar evenly on both sides.
- Get in position: Pick up the bar and stand straight with your core engaged.
- Curl the bar: With your palms facing each other, curl the bar towards your chest. Make sure to keep your elbows tucked in.
- Lower the weight: Control the weight on the way down and lower it all the way down to get a full range of motion
Tricep Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
Similar to skull crushers, the overhead triceps extension will work the long head of the tricep to give your arm that big, full look. You can do this from either a standing or seated position. The great thing about this exercise is that it also works your shoulder through a large range of motion. So it will also help make your shoulders stronger and more mobile.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Overhead Triceps Extension
- Works long head of the tricep
- Easier on wrists
- Works shoulder mobility as well
How To Do Overhead Triceps Extension With Tricep Bar
- Get in position: Stand or sit tall with your core tight.
- Lift the bar: Lift the bar all the way so that your elbows are locked out.
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight behind your head. Make sure to control the weight and feel the stretch in your tricep.
- Extend your arm: Once you have gone down as far as you can, lift the bar back up by extending your arm. By the end of the rep, you should return to the locked-out position.
Tricep Bar Front Raise
The tricep bar front raise is a great way to feel the burn and grow your front delts. The benefit of the tricep bar here is that you can grow both arms at once and go heavier than you would be able to with cables or dumbbells.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Front Raise
- Gives shoulders a full, round look
- Can go heavier than other front raise variations
- Can work both shoulders at once
How To Do Triceps Bar Front Raise
- Get into position: Stand tall with your core tight.
- Raise the bar: With your arms straight, raise the bar until your elbows and shoulders are in line. Take a moment to squeeze your shoulders at the top of the rep.
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight back down. Your arms should still be straight for the entire time.
Tricep Bar Bent Over Row
Unlike regular barbell rows, the tricep bar row can be comfortable on your shoulders and wrists. Also, the neutral grip means that you can get a better contraction on your lats. Since the tricep bar also has a smaller footprint, it also means you can do rows in smaller spaces like a home gym or a crowded gym.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Bent Over Row
- Neutral grip helps with lat contraction
- Easier on wrists and shoulders
- Takes up less space than a barbell row
How To Do Tricep Bar Bent Over Row
- Get in position: Bend over at about a 45-degree angle. Allow your arms to hang down. Keep your spine neutral and core engaged.
- Row: Row the weight up by pulling from your elbow. Stop when the bar touched your stomach. Make sure to not use momentum.
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight back down. Allow your arms to fully extend so you get a stretch in your lats.
Tricep Bar Overhead Press
Sometimes also referred to as the tricep bar shoulder press, the tricep bar overhead press is a more tricep-focused version of the overhead press. The neutral grips ensure that your shoulders and wrists are in a safer position. People with shoulder injuries often find that this version of pressing is more comfortable. Even if you can do regular shoulder presses, the neutral grip will add variation to your training and give you a different type of stimulus.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Overhead Press
- Less stressful on shoulders and wrists
- Works triceps more than regular shoulder press
- Add variation to your pressing
How To Do Tricep Bar Overhead Press
- Get into position: This can be done seated or standing but make sure your torso is upright and your core is engaged. Lift the bar up so that it is resting on your chest.
- Press: Press the bar up over your head. Make sure you move your head back so that you allow the bar to pass. Press the weight until your arms are locked out.
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight down towards your chest. Again move your head out of the way so that the bar can pass. Make sure the bar is balanced at the bottom of the rep.
Tricep Bar Bench Press
The tricep bar bench press is essentially just a close-grip bench press with a neutral grip. You are still going to get plenty of activation in your chest muscles, but the neutral grip will transfer most of the load to your triceps. The neutral grip will also mean less stress on your shoulders and wrists.
Benefits Of Tricep Bar Bench Press
- Less shoulder and wrist pain
- More tricep activation than the regular bench press
- Carryover to regular bench press
How To Do Tricep Bar Bench Press
- Get into position: Lye flat on the bench and position the bar so that it is on your chest
- Press: Press the weight up until your arms are locked out
- Lower the weight: Slowly lower the weight back down toward your chest
Tricep Bar Benefits
The tricep bar can provide you with a few key benefits and advantages over your regular barbell
Bigger Triceps
The triceps bar is called that for a reason. It is almost custom for various tricep exercises like skull crushers or extensions. Even when you do more compound movements like presses, the majority of the load will still be put on your triceps muscles.
This will do a lot for your overall look. The tricep makes up about 2/3 of your upper arms. So with enough Olympic triceps bar work, you should a dramatic difference.

Safer For Shoulders And Wrists
The problem with barbell triceps exercises is that they tend to put lots of pressure on your shoulders and wrists. If you had previous injuries, this can be really bothersome for you. Thanks to the neutral grip of the tricep bar, you can do the same movements with less stress on these joints.
Compared to other specialty bars and barbells, the tricep bar is fairly inexpensive in value and utility and provides. For home gym owners, the tricep bar is a great way to add lots of variation to your exercises for little cost.
Final Thoughts
Use any of these tricep bar workouts to get a killer workout in your upper body. The tricep bar is small and simple, but really versatile. If you are lucky enough to have a tricep bar in your home gym or gym, make sure to take advantage of it when you can.

Find The Best Tricep Bar
After years of testing, we assembled a master list with the best tricep bars for every home gym owner
Can I work my chest with a tricep bar?
Daniel Mesa, CPT, is a trusted fitness expert and founder of FitDominium. With his extensive experience and commitment to helping others, Daniel is the go-to source for reliable fitness advice and recommendations.