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Michael K.

Inverted Row: How To & Benefits

how to do inverted row

Imagine a workout where you pull yourself up, but not in the usual way. Instead, you lie down and lift your chest toward a bar, defying gravity. This unique exercise is called the inverted row. It’s suitable for everyone, whether you’re a newbie or a fitness buff. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the inverted row. We’ll learn how to do it, pick up some useful tips, explore different versions, and find out why it’s great for your muscles and overall fitness. So, let’s dive into the world of inverted rows and discover how it can shape up your workout routine.

How To Do Inverted Rows

Inverted rows are quite simple to perform, making them suited for people of all fitness levels. To get started, you’ll need a sturdy horizontal bar or a suspension trainer. Here’s a step-by-step guide for doing inverted rows:

Step 1

Set up the bar or suspension trainer at waist height or slightly lower. Ensure it’s secure and can support your body weight.

Step 2

Stand facing the bar or suspension trainer. Hold it with an overhand grip and hands shoulder-width apart.

Step 3

Walk your feet forward while leaning back, keeping your body in a straight line from head to heels. Your arms should be fully extended, and your heels should be on the ground.

Step 4

Begin the exercise by pulling your chest toward the bar or handles while maintaining a straight body position. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull.

Step 5

Lower your chest back down in a controlled manner, returning to the starting position.

Repeat this motion for your desired number of repetitions.

Our Tips For Inverted Rows

Tip 1: Keep Good Form

Using the right form is super important in inverted rows. It helps you get the most from the exercise and keeps you safe from getting hurt. To do this, make sure your body stays in a straight line from your head to your heels. Don’t let your back sag or bend too much. Suck in your tummy muscles (that’s your core), and try not to curve your back too much. Keeping your back pretty straight and strong is the way to go.

Tip 2: Control Your Moves

When you do inverted rows, don’t rush. Take your time to pull yourself up to the bar or handles. It’s not a race! Feel your upper back muscles working when you pull yourself up. And when you lower yourself back down, don’t just drop – control the movement. It’s like slowly going down in an elevator. This makes your muscles work hard and helps you avoid getting hurt.

Tip 3: Change the Challenge

Inverted rows can be as easy or hard as you want. If it feels too tough, bring your feet closer to the bar or handles. That makes it easier. As you get stronger, move your feet farther away to make it harder. If you want a real challenge, put your feet up on something like a bench. That makes your upper body work even harder. Changing the difficulty helps keep the exercise interesting and makes you stronger over time.

Inverted Row Variations

Here are three variations of inverted rows to keep your workouts interesting and challenging:

Variation 1: Single-Arm Inverted Rows

If you want to spice things up, try doing single-arm inverted rows. Instead of using both arms at once, you use just one. This makes your core and stabilizing muscles work extra hard to keep you steady. It’s like balancing on one foot – it challenges your body in a new way.

Variation 2: Feet Elevated Inverted Rows

For a more intense workout, put your feet up on a bench or box while doing inverted rows. This adds an extra challenge and shifts the focus to your upper back and those wing-like muscles called lats. It’s like climbing a steeper hill – it works your upper body even more.

Variation 3: Towel Inverted Rows

Imagine using two towels draped over the bar to grip onto instead of a solid handle. This makes the exercise trickier because the towels move around, making your muscles work extra hard to stay in control. It’s like trying to hold onto two wiggly snakes – it engages those stabilizer muscles to keep you steady. 

These variations keep your workouts fresh and interesting, targeting your muscles in different ways.

Common Barbell Inverted Row Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1: Swinging

One common error in inverted rows is swinging or using a push to finish the exercise. This makes the workout less effective because it doesn’t work your muscles properly. To fix this, focus on staying in control the whole time. Don’t make any sudden or wild moves, and keep the exercise steady and careful. This will not only make your muscles work better but also reduce the chance of getting hurt by helping you keep the right form.

Mistake 2: Not Fully Extending

Another mistake to watch out for is not straightening your arms all the way when you lower yourself down. If you don’t fully stretch your arms, you won’t use your muscles as much. To make your inverted rows better, make sure to stretch your arms out completely at the lowest point of each move. This way, you’ll get the full benefit of stretching and squeezing your muscles, which will help you get stronger.

Mistake 3: Forgetting Core Engagement

Forgetting to use your core muscles is a big slip-up in inverted rows. Your core muscles help keep your body steady during the exercise, and if you don’t use them, you might end up with bad form and hurt your lower back. To avoid this, use your core muscles all the time. Imagine that you’re tightening your tummy like you’re bracing for a bump, and keep that tightness as you pull yourself up and down. This doesn’t just protect your lower back but also makes the exercise work better by giving you better balance.

Muscles Worked By Inverted Rows

Inverted rows are a compound exercise that engages several muscle groups simultaneously:

Latissimus Dorsi: The latissimus dorsi, commonly known as the lats, play a pivotal role in the inverted row. These large back muscles are responsible for the pulling motion during the exercise, contracting to bring your chest towards the bar or handles.

Rhomboids: Located between your shoulder blades, the rhomboids are vital for proper posture and shoulder blade stability during inverted rows. They engage to retract your shoulder blades as you pull, promoting a strong and controlled movement.

Biceps: Your upper arm muscles, the biceps, come into play as you bend your elbows during the inverted row. They assist in the pulling motion, working in conjunction with your back muscles to lift your body towards the bar.

Trapezius: The trapezius muscles, which run down your upper back and neck, are engaged to stabilize your shoulder blades during inverted rows. This stability is crucial for maintaining proper form and preventing shoulder injuries.

Core Muscles: Engaging your core muscles is essential for keeping your body in a straight line during inverted rows. These muscles provide stability and help prevent your lower back from sagging or arching, ensuring a safe and effective exercise.

Inverted Row Benefits

Benefit 1: Improved Upper Body Strength

Inverted rows are fantastic for making your upper body muscles stronger, especially your back, biceps, and shoulders. This added strength can help you do better in other exercises and everyday activities.

Benefit 2: Better Posture

Inverted rows can help you stand up straighter and more comfortably. They make the muscles responsible for good posture, like the ones between your shoulder blades, stronger. This is important because many of us sit too much and slouch, which isn’t good for our backs. Inverted rows can help fix this and keep you feeling better.

Benefit 3: Adjust for You

The cool thing about inverted rows is that you can adjust them based on variations. If you’re just starting, you can do them on an incline to make them easier. As you get stronger, you can do regular ones and even harder versions. This means whether you’re a beginner or really good at exercising, inverted rows can work for you.

Alternatives To Inverted Bar Row

If you’re looking to mix up your routine or if inverted rows aren’t accessible to you, here are some alternative exercises to consider:

Exercise Option 1: Pull-Ups

Pull-ups are a superb choice to target many of the same muscles as inverted rows but in a different way. They primarily work your back and biceps, just like inverted rows, but they involve lifting your entire bodyweight. This makes them especially potent for building upper body strength. 

Pull-ups also have the added benefit of enhancing your grip strength, which can be valuable in various daily activities. They’re a versatile exercise that can be adjusted to your fitness level, making them a valuable addition to any workout routine. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced athlete, pull-ups are a solid choice for building a strong upper body.

Exercise Option 2: Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over rows are a classic exercise that hones in on many of the same muscle groups as inverted rows but from a different angle. With a barbell or dumbbell in hand, you bend at your hips and knees while keeping your back straight. This exercise specifically targets your back, biceps, and shoulders, making it an excellent complement to inverted rows. 

The difference in the angle of the movement provides variety to your routine, ensuring that your muscles are worked in different ways. Bent-over rows also help with posture and balance, making them a valuable addition to your workout regimen.

Exercise Option 3: Face Pulls

Face pulls are a lesser-known exercise that can do wonders for your shoulder health. They zero in on the rear deltoids (the muscles at the back of your shoulders) and the upper traps. Face pulls are excellent for balancing out the muscles around your shoulder joint, which can prevent injury and discomfort. They also help improve your posture by strengthening the upper back. 

Face pulls are typically done using a rope attachment on a cable machine. This exercise is a fantastic way to add variety to your routine and target muscles that might not get as much attention in other exercises. 

Bottom Line On Inverted Row Exercise

Inverted rows offer a versatile and accessible exercise suitable for individuals of all fitness levels. With proper form, controlled movements, and exploration of variations, you can enjoy a range of benefits, from improved upper body strength to enhanced posture. Remember to avoid common mistakes and consider alternative exercises to keep your workouts engaging and effective.


How often should I include inverted rows in my workout routine?

The frequency of inverted rows depends on your fitness goals and overall workout routine. Generally, 2-3 times a week is a good starting point.

Can I do inverted rows at home without a bar?

Yes, you can use a sturdy horizontal bar or a suspension trainer, both of which are suitable for home workouts.

Are inverted rows safe for beginners?

Inverted rows can be safe for beginners if proper form is maintained. Start with easier variations and gradually progress to more challenging ones as your strength improves.

Can inverted rows help with shoulder pain?

Strengthening the upper back and shoulder muscles through inverted rows can help alleviate shoulder pain and improve shoulder stability. However, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice if you have shoulder issues.


  1. Inverted Rows (AKA Australian Pullups) Are More Effective Than You Think. Retrieved from Inverted Rows (AKA Australian Pullups) Are More Effective Than You Think