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hex bar deadlift

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Michael K.

How Much Does A Hex Bar Weigh?

hex bar deadlift

Over the past decade or so, the trap bar or hex bar has gained significant popularity. This should come as no surprise as many lifters find the bar to be more ergonomic and easier on their lower back.

However, unlike a regular barbell where there are clear weight and size protocols, hex bars come in a variety of sizes and weights. Because there is no clear standard, we went ahead and made a clear guide to answer the question of how much a trap bar weighs for each brand.

How Much Does A Trap Bar Weigh: Brand Breakdown For Trap Bar Weight

Generally, trap bars weigh anywhere from 40 pounds to as much as 75 pounds. Hex bar weight can be dependent on many things such as materials and design.

Get a quick look and how much the trap bar from some of the most popular brands weigh.

MakeWeight (kg)Weight (lbs)
Force USA20kg44lbs
Force USA Walkthrough30kg66lbs
Hammer Strength27kg60lbs
Sumo Strength30kg66lbs
REP Fitness2753lbs
Iron Edge23kg50lbs
Gym Direct20kg44lbs
Little Bloke Fitness22kg49lbs
Catch Fitness22kg49lbs
Elite Fitness30kg66lbs

Check out our guide on the best trap bars

After years of testing, we assembled a master list with the best trap bars for every home gym owner

What Is The Diffrence Between a Trap Bar and a Hex Bar?

There is NO diffrence between a trap bar and a hex bar, they are different names for the thing.

This is an understandable point of confusion since you will hear trainers, influencers, and manufacturers all refer to it by different names. But, there is no difference.

The term trap bar comes from the fact that the handles on a trap bar or to your side. This hand positioning makes the bar very effective for shrugs to work your trap muscles. Likewise, even in movements that are not meant to directly target the traps, you will get much more trap activation than with a regular barbell.

The hex bar name comes from the bar’s hexagonal shape in the middle where you stand inside.

Benefits Of Hex Bars

Many gym purists will argue that the standard straight barbell is the pinnacle of all exercise equipment. While the barbell may be an immensely useful tool, the hex bar has some unique benefits to take into consideration

Easier On Your Lower Back

When you are doing a deadlift with a hex bar, the weights are situated directly at your sides. This means that the trap bar allows the weight to be more in line with your own center of gravity.

In practice, this means that there will be a less sheer force on your lumbar spine when you are moving the weight. Also, trap bars tend to offer a higher starting position so you do not have to bend down as much.

I am a large proponent of the classic deadlift but will be the first to admit that lower back injuries are common especially if proper form is not used. The trap bar relieves some of the risks by putting you in a much safer position.

Neutral Grip Position

Unlike traditional barbells where you either have to be pronated or supinated, the trap bar has a neutral grip.

This will make the biggest diffrence in injury prevention when it comes to your shoulders and biceps:

Shoulders Are Externally Rotated

Many people have extremely limited shoulder mobility due to a sedentary lifestyle. This lack of mobility can lead to pain during pressing movements.

hex bar press

Comparatively, a trap bar allows you to take a neutral grip which externally rotates your shoulders. This externally rotated position removes lots of strain from the shoulder joint and is more comfortable.

No More Bicep Tears

When you are doing a conventional deadlift, you can either take an overhand grip or a mixed grip.

mixed grip

The overhand grip is fairly safe for your biceps. The problem is that the overhand grip often becomes the weakest link in someone’s deadlift. Meaning that their grip strength caps their deadlift.

Advanced lifters find that a mixed grip allows them to lift more weight. However, if you use a mixed grip, you are putting your bicep in a very vulnerable position. Bicep tears are not uncommon using this grip and should be a cause for concern.

There is no need to use a mixed grip with a trap bar. In a neutral position, your biceps are much safer.

Less Technique To Learn

If you are a serious lifter, you will know that lifting is NOT as easy as it looks. To master a lift you need to spend time learning the movement power and acquiring the needed mobility.

And while the same could be said for a trap bar, it is much easier to learn. You do not really need a whole lot of mobility to technique.

For the most part, you can really just get inside it and lift it up. This makes it a great choice for beginners or anyone who does not want to worry too much about their form.

You Can Lift More Weight

Due to the weight being at your sides during a hex bar deadlift, you will find that you easily lift more weight than you with a regular bar.

heavy trap bar deadlift

Simply put, trap bars allow you to put more total weight on your muscles. This can lead to more muscle growth and stimulus.

Furthermore, the gains you see on trap bar lifts will almost certainly translate to your other lifts as well. I know for a fact that when my trap bar deadlift goes up, my conventional deadlift and squat have gone up as well.

Build Explosivity

There is a reason that hex bars are used a lot by professional sports teams and that is because they build explosiveness and power like nothing else.

A study conducted at Robert Gordon University concluded that the use of a trap bar resulted in significantly greater peak force, velocity, and power during deadlifts compared to a regular straight bar.


Most people look at trap bars and just see deadlifts. But the truth is that trap bars are very versatile pieces of equipment that can be used for a number of exercises. Here are just a few:

  • Farmers Walks

  • Shrugs

  • Iso Holds

  • Back Rows

  • Walking Lunges

  • Jump Deadlifts

  • Single Leg Deadlifts

  • Trap Bar Deadlifts

What Are The Different Types of Trap Bars?

As you may have taken note, trap bars come in all sorts of sizes. There are two basic designs that you need to be aware of for your home gym:

Traditional Trap Bar: This is the standard trap bar that you will find at most commercial gyms. It will come in a variety of shapes and sizes and work great for most lifts

Open Trap Bar: An open trap bar is like a trap bar except for one side, either the front or back is missing. The benefit of this is that you can do additional exercises since your shins will not bump into the bar. Unlike a traditional trap bar, you can perform walking lunges and trap bar RDLs. Open hex bars also tend to be more expensive.

open trap bar


Are hex bars 55 pounds?

Yes, some hex bars are 55 pounds. However, what a hex bar weighs can vary from 30-75 pounds.

Is a hex bar heavier than a barbell?

Generally, yes. Hex bars tend to be just as heavy if not heavier than barbells. However, there are some hex bars that are lighter than barbells.

Are all hex bars 60 lbs?

You should lift just as much if not more than you lift during a conventional deadlift.

Is deadlifting easier on a hex bar?

Yes, it is easier both in terms of technique and weight that can be used. Due to the ergonomic design and neutral grip, the majority of lifters find it easier to deadlift with a trap bar.