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Daniel Mesa

Dumbbell vs Barbell Bench Press: Which Is Best?

Dumbbell vs Barbell Bench Press

The bench press is frequently regarded as the best exercise for developing a powerful and attractive chest. But there’s a common argument among gymgoers: Should you perform the bench press with a barbell or dumbbell? Your personal fitness objectives, tastes, and requirements will determine the best variation for you. Both varieties have distinct advantages. In this detailed guide, we will compare and contrast the dumbbell and barbell bench presses to help you choose which exercise fits you best.

Dumbbell vs. Barbell Bench Press: What’s The Difference? 

Muscle Activation

One of the primary differences between the dumbbell and barbell bench press lies in muscle activation. Dumbbell bench presses often require greater stabilizing efforts because each arm works independently. This results in more engagement of stabilizer muscles like the serratus anterior and the rotator cuff. In contrast, the barbell bench press allows you to lift heavier weights, primarily engaging the pectoral muscles. Therefore, if you aim to emphasize muscle activation and stability, the dumbbell bench press might be your choice.

Range Of Motion

Let’s talk about how far your muscles can stretch and squeeze during these exercises. With dumbbell bench presses, you have a little more freedom. Why? Because each arm can move on its own. This means you can lower those dumbbells down a bit further and push them up a little higher. That extra stretch and squeeze can really help your chest muscles grow and keep them flexible. It’s like giving your chest muscles more room to breathe and expand.


Now, let’s talk raw power. If you’re all about getting as strong as a bull, the barbell bench press might be your best buddy. Why? Because it lets you pile on more weight. You can load up that barbell with some serious iron. Powerlifters and folks chasing the absolute peak of strength usually love this one. So, if you’re dreaming of lifting cars or just want to be super strong, the barbell bench press is where you want to be. It’s like the heavyweight champ of the gym!

Barbell vs. Dumbbell Bench Press: What’s The Same?

Barbell vs. Dumbbell Bench Press

Muscles Worked

Pectoralis Major

The pectoralis major, often called the pecs, are the star players in chest development. These muscles stretch across your chest and are responsible for pushing movements. A strong chest looks impressive and helps in everyday activities like pushing open heavy doors.

Incorporating dumbbell and barbell bench presses into your routine ensures thorough activation of the pectoralis major, promoting balanced chest development.

Deltoids (Shoulder Muscles)

The deltoids sit atop your shoulders and play a crucial role in both lifting and stabilizing the weight. Well-developed deltoids provide that sought-after broad-shouldered look and contribute to overall upper body strength.

Both bench press variations engage the deltoids to assist in the pressing motion, contributing to a well-rounded shoulder development.

Triceps Brachii (Triceps)

The triceps are found at the back of your upper arm and are essential for extending your elbow. These muscles are heavily involved in the lockout phase of the bench press.

Both dumbbell and barbell bench presses heavily target the triceps, aiding in their strength and definition. This makes them valuable for comprehensive upper-body strength gains.

Incorporating these muscle groups into your training ensures a balanced upper body development, enhancing your physique and overall functional strength.

Compound Exercise

Compound exercises are like multitasking for your muscles. They’re the kind of moves that involve more than one joint and muscle group at the same time.

Now, why does this matter? Well, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone (figuratively, of course). When you do compound exercises, like both the dumbbell and barbell bench presses, you’re working out several muscles all at once. 

This efficiency is awesome because it makes your workouts more time-effective. You get more bang for your buck, or in this case, more muscle action for your sweat and effort. So, if you’re all about getting the most out of your workouts without spending hours in the gym, compound exercises like these bench presses are your buddies.

Dumbbell Bench Press vs. Barbell Bench Press: Main Technique Differences

Safety Of Each Exercise

Safety is crucial during your workout. The barbell bench press often requires a spotter, especially with heavy weights, to prevent accidents. In contrast, the dumbbell bench press can be safer for solo workouts because you can drop the dumbbells if you can’t lift them, avoiding any potential mishaps.

Unilateral vs. Bilateral Movement

Now, let’s talk about the way your muscles move during these exercises. The dumbbell bench press encourages what we call “unilateral” movement. That’s just a fancy way of saying that each arm works independently.

Why is this a big deal? Because it lets you spot any sneaky muscle imbalances. You might find that one arm is stronger or more coordinated than the other. This can be super helpful if you’re recovering from an injury or if you want to even out the strength in your left and right sides. So, if you’re looking to correct those imbalances, the dumbbell bench press has got your back.

Equipment Needs

Finally, let’s discuss what you need to kickstart your workout. In most gyms, you’ll spot barbell benches all around; they’re the go-to choice. So, if you’re leaning towards the barbell bench press, you won’t have to hunt for specialized gear.

However, here’s a tip: finding heavier dumbbells, especially the really hefty ones, might not be a breeze in some gyms. If you’re considering the dumbbell approach, it’s smart to check if your gym has the appropriate weights available. The goal here is to ensure your workout goes off without a hitch.

Remember, this is your workout, and your well-being takes priority. So, choose one that suits you best—whether it means having a spotter nearby, addressing muscle imbalances, or confirming that you’ve got the right equipment in your corner. 

How To Barbell Bench Press

Here’s a simple guide to help you do the barbell bench press safely and effectively:

1. Set-up

  • Lie Down: Lie flat on a weight bench with your head, upper back, and buttocks touching it.
  • Feet Placement: Put your feet flat on the floor, about shoulder-width apart. This makes you stable.
  • Hold the Bar: Reach up and hold the barbell just a bit wider than your shoulders. Your palms face forward, and your wrists line up with your arms.
  • Bar Position: The bar should be right above your eyes or upper chest. That’s your starting point.
  • Shoulder Blades: Before you lift the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades together. It helps your shoulders stay steady and safe.

2. Execution

  • Lift the Bar: Push the barbell up until your arms are straight. Breathe out while pushing and keep it slow and controlled. Don’t lock your elbows at the top.
  • Lower the Bar: Gently bring the bar down to your chest. Your elbows should be at about a 45-degree angle from your body. Touch your chest lightly.
  • Breathe: Inhale when lowering the bar, and exhale when pushing it up. This breathing pattern helps you stay stable.
  • Reps: Keep doing this up-and-down movement for as many reps as you want. Start with a weight that’s comfortable and go heavier as you get stronger.

Benefits Of Barbell Bench Press

Benefit 1: Maximal Strength Development

When it comes to developing maximum strength, the barbell bench press is an incredible powerhouse. Powerlifters and anyone looking to increase their general strength levels frequently choose it. The barbell bench press helps you push your boundaries and significantly increase your raw muscle strength by putting heavy weights on your chest, shoulders, and triceps. This benefit makes it a cornerstone exercise for anyone aiming to lift heavier loads in the gym and perform at peak strength during various activities.

Benefit 2: Time Efficiency

Efficiency is the name of the game with the barbell bench press. This compound exercise targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an excellent choice for those with tight schedules or looking for a streamlined workout routine. You engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps with one movement, maximizing your time at the gym. This time-saving advantage allows you to pack a potent upper-body workout into a shorter period, giving you more time to tackle other fitness goals or life’s demands.

Barbell Bench Press Variations

Incline Bench Press

The incline bench press is like a cool twist on the regular bench press. Instead of lying flat, you tilt the bench upwards at an angle (usually around 30 to 45 degrees). This simple change makes your upper chest muscles work harder. It’s kind of like giving your chest a makeover by focusing on the top part. Plus, it’s easier on your shoulders compared to other exercises that target the upper chest. So, if you want a chest that looks good from every angle, incline bench presses are your go-to move.

Decline Bench Press

The decline bench press is like doing the regular bench press but with the bench set at a slight downward slope, usually about 15 to 30 degrees. This change makes your lower chest muscles work harder. When you lower the barbell during this exercise, it mainly works the lower part of your chest. This helps build a fuller and stronger lower chest. Athletes also like it because it challenges your muscles in a different way than the regular flat bench press, which can help improve overall bench pressing strength.

How To Dumbell Bench Press

  1. Set-Up
  • Bench Selection: Choose a sturdy bench set to a flat or slight incline position.
  • Dumbbell Choice: Select appropriate dumbbells matching your strength level.
  • Body Positioning: Sit with feet shoulder-width apart, ensuring your head, upper back, and glutes are on the bench. Maintain a slightly lower back arch and retract your shoulder blades for stability.
  • Dumbbell Grip: Hold dumbbells with palms facing forward (neutral grip) and wrists straight.
  • Dumbbell Position: Extend arms vertically above your chest with a slight elbow bend.
  1. Execution
  • Lowering Phase (Eccentric): Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbells to chest level, maintaining control.
  • Pause: Briefly pause when dumbbells reach chest height.
  • Pressing Phase (Concentric): Exhale and press the dumbbells back up, fully extending your arms without locking your elbows.
  • Repeat: Continue at a controlled pace for your desired repetitions.
  • Breathing: Inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up.

Benefits Of Dumbell Bench Press

Benefit 1: Muscle Activation

Dumbbell bench presses are great at making those smaller, balancing muscles work extra hard. Unlike the barbell bench press, where both arms do the same thing, the dumbbell version makes each arm work on its own. This means that muscles like the ones around your ribs and shoulders (the serratus anterior and the rotator cuff) get a good workout, helping you stay steady. This gives you a more even-looking chest and keeps your left and right sides equally strong. Plus, it’s good for your joints and helps prevent injuries in the long run.

Benefit 2: Range Of Motion

The dumbbell bench press lets you move your arms more freely and independently, giving your chest muscles a better stretch and squeeze. This extra wiggle room isn’t just about fancy moves; it helps your muscles grow better and makes your chest more flexible. Think of it like this: it’s like doing stretches before a big game. This flexibility doesn’t just look good; it also helps you perform better and lowers the chances of getting hurt. So, whether you’re after a more muscular chest or just want to be more agile, the dumbbell bench press’s extra room to move is a big plus.

Dumbell Bench Press Variations

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

The incline dumbbell bench press is a fantastic variation targeting the upper chest muscles. By adjusting the bench to an inclined position (typically at around 45 degrees), you change the angle at which you lift the weights. This alteration places greater stress on the clavicular head of the pectoralis major muscle. The result? A more chiseled and defined upper chest. It’s an excellent exercise if you want that aesthetically pleasing chest separation and add depth to your upper pecs.

Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

If you’re concerned about shoulder strain or discomfort during your bench press, the neutral-grip dumbbell bench press could be your solution. This variation involves using dumbbells with a neutral or palms-facing-in grip. This grip tends to be more shoulder-friendly than the traditional overhand grip used in the standard bench press. It is a great option for people with sensitive or injury-prone shoulders while still giving a good chest workout because it lessens the strain on your shoulder joints, which can help prevent pain and potential injuries.

Dumbbell Press vs Bench Press: Which Is Best For You?

Dumbbell Press vs Bench Press

For Rehab

When you’re recovering from an injury or trying to fix muscle imbalances, the dumbbell bench press can be your best friend. Here’s why it’s a smart choice:

Muscle Balance: Injuries can make one side of your body weaker than the other. Dumbbell bench presses let you work on each arm separately, helping weaker muscles catch up to the stronger ones.

Reduced Risk: Safety is crucial during recovery. With dumbbells, you can easily drop the weights if you feel any discomfort or strain. This lowers the chance of making your injury worse, which isn’t as simple with a barbell.

Controlled Range of Motion: Dumbbell presses give you more control over how far you move your arms. This means you can adjust the exercise to match your comfort level. It’s a gradual way to regain flexibility and strength, which can be super important during rehab.

For Hypertrophy

Building muscle size, or hypertrophy, is a common fitness goal. To maximize chest muscle growth while emphasizing stability, a combination of both dumbbell and barbell bench presses can be highly effective.

Dumbbell Advantage: Dumbbell bench presses provide a deeper stretch at the bottom of the movement, enhancing muscle activation and stimulating hypertrophy. Stabilizing muscles to balance the weights further engages your chest and promotes growth.

Barbell Power: Barbell bench presses, on the other hand, allow you to lift heavier weights, stimulating muscle fibers for growth. The ability to progressively increase the load is a key driver for hypertrophy.

Variety: Incorporating both exercises into your routine introduces variety. Changing your routine can prevent plateaus and continuously challenge your chest muscles, promoting hypertrophy.

For Strength Gains

If your primary goal is to boost your bench press one-rep max and develop maximal strength, the barbell bench press should be at the forefront of your training plan. Here’s why:

Heavy Lifting: The barbell bench press allows you to handle heavier weights than dumbbells. Lifting heavy is a fundamental principle for building raw strength.

Specificity: To improve your bench press strength, it makes sense to prioritize the exercise that mimics the competition movement (powerlifting, for instance). The barbell bench press directly targets the muscles and technique required for maximal bench strength.

Progressive Overload: The barbell’s easy load progression means you can systematically increase the weight over time, a key factor in strength development.

For Beginners

For newcomers to the gym or weightlifting, the barbell bench press is often considered more accessible initially. Here’s why:

Simplicity: The barbell bench press has a straightforward setup and execution. The fixed bar path simplifies the movement, making it easier for beginners to learn and perform safely.

Spotting: In most gyms, barbell benches come equipped with safety racks, which can be reassuring for beginners. Plus, finding a spotter for the barbell bench press is generally easier, further enhancing safety.

For Correcting Imbalances

If you suspect or are aware of muscle imbalances, the dumbbell bench press can play a pivotal role in addressing them:

Isolation: Since each arm works independently, it becomes easier to identify and correct muscle imbalances. You can allocate more effort to the weaker side and ensure it catches up in strength and size.

Symmetry: Muscle imbalances can lead to poor posture and injury risk. The unilateral nature of the dumbbell bench press can help restore symmetry in your chest and shoulders, enhancing overall posture and reducing the likelihood of injuries related to imbalances.

Final Thoughts On Bench Press vs. Dumbbell Press

Ultimately,  whether you pick dumbbells or a barbell for your bench press, it comes down to what you want and what suits you best. For a strong and balanced chest, think about doing both types of bench presses in your workouts. Remember, the most important thing is doing the exercises correctly and safely. If you’re ever unsure, it’s a great idea to ask a qualified trainer for help. 


Can I combine barbell and dumbbell bench presses in the same workout?

Yes, you can combine them in the same workout. Start with one type, like a barbell, and then switch to dumbbells. It keeps your routine varied and targets muscles slightly differently.

Are there common mistakes to avoid when doing these exercises?

Yes, common mistakes include arching your back too much, not using a spotter with heavy weights, and bouncing the bar or dumbbells off your chest. Focus on good form, use a spotter when needed, and control the weight.

How can I progress in these exercises for better results?

To progress, gradually increase the weight or reps over time. Start with a weight you can handle comfortably, then add a bit more as you get stronger. This helps build both strength and muscle size.


  1. Król, H., & Gołaś, A. (2017). Effect of Barbell Weight on the Structure of the Flat Bench Press. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 31(5), 1321–1337.
  1. Wong, delP., Ngo, K. L., Tse, M. A., & Smith, A. W. (2013). Using bench press load to predict upper body exercise loads in physically active individuals. Journal of sports science & medicine, 12(1), 38–43.
  1. Lauver, J. D., Cayot, T. E., & Scheuermann, B. W. (2016). Influence of bench angle on upper extremity muscular activation during bench press exercise. European journal of sport science, 16(3), 309–316.