How do you rate products?
We want to be as transparent as possible so we clearly define our guidelines for rating all products. But for a brief overview, we focus on price, safety, brand reputation, and durability.
Do we have a home gym?
Do we have a home gym?
What are your qualifications for these types of reviews and guides?
Our team is made up of several qualified people that are eager to provide fitness information. We come from all types of backgrounds but have all taken the fitness and the gym seriously for several years now.
Are you sponsored?
Not directly, but we do make a commission based on if you buy some of the products we showcase here. However, this does not have an effect on our judgment.
Should I start a home gym?
We have detailed whether or not to start a home gym. But if you have the space and money, home gyms provide tremendous value and will remove some of the stress of making it to the gym.